Thursday, 16 May 2019

Study Shows Influencers and Social Ads to Drive Direct Sales While Voice Lags

The actualities: 

Of the about 66% (63%) of online customers that have tapped on a web based life promotion, 33% made an immediate buy, as indicated by a study by distributed computing organization Episerver. In the mean time, simply over half (52%) of online customers who additionally utilize internet based life have tapped on an influencer's post, and 31% of them made an immediate buy in the wake of review the post.

The review likewise discovered that the level of online customers who use voice stages to make different buys a month developed to 17% this year from 11% in 2017. Forty-three percent of buyers refered to an absence of security includes as the top motivation to evade voice shopping, trailed by an absence of item pictures (35%) and trouble looking at items on the gadgets (33%).

Twelve percent of customers utilize internet based life to discover motivation when they don't have a particular item as a top priority for procurement, while 11% will take a gander at a brand's site, the review of 4,500 online customers overall found.

What you have to know: 

Since online customers have become progressively dependent via web-based networking media to find items with the ascent of influencers and brands' inclining in to social substance, advanced advertisers need to concentrate on their procedures to achieve those buyers when they're prepared to make buys. That is particularly valid for advertisers that look to achieve technically knowledgeable twenty to thirty year olds and Gen Zers. Seventy-eight percent of online customers ages 37 and under have tapped on a web-based social networking advertisement, and 34% of that bunch have proceeded to make an immediate buy. By correlation, of the half of online customers more seasoned than 37 that have tapped on an internet based life promotion, 30% proceeded to make a buy, the study found. This features how brands can alter their social techniques relying upon their intended interest group's inclinations and most loved stages.

Alongside online networking's job in driving brand commitment and deals, voice shopping has developed increasingly well known with tech monsters' push to get voice-fueled savvy speakers into more homes. That recently extended client base has driven the level of online customers who use voice stages to inquire about items to almost twofold to 22% this year from 12% in 2018. A key obstacle presently is changing over those "window customers" into paying clients.

"The jury is still out on whether clients will ever completely grasp a buy road where they can neither see nor contact items — a noteworthy detour for voice," per Episerver.

Portable advertisers additionally need to make convincing substance for their sites so as to emerge. While online customers may swing to prevalent commercial centers like Amazon and retailers like Walmart at low costs, they acknowledge when brands and retailers offer significant encounters and instructive substance that they can't get somewhere else. A fourth of online purchasers said they appreciate the item data the most when it originates from a brand or retailer's site, contrasted and simply 11% who state they support item data from Amazon or a comparative commercial center.

10 Expert Tips to Improve Your Facebook Video Marketing

Facebook has dependably been a visual medium. All things considered, it started as an advanced look book before it was overwhelmed by loved ones sharing pictures of their energetic thoughtless activities and later their children's humiliating minutes. In any case, of late, the stage has diverted its consideration from still photographs to video. In the event that you ask most advertisers which content rules on Facebook, they'll disclose to you its video.

Sharing bits of knowledge from BuzzSumo's investigation of more than 777 million Facebook posts, Buffer's Brian Peters composes that "with regards to taking your Facebook methodology to the following dimension, there's no preferred method to do as such over through video content." Peters reports that "1% of the best 500 posts on Facebook in 2018 were recordings." Video posts likewise produce a normal of 59% more commitment than other post types, he includes.

It's not simply natural posts that see higher commitment from video on Facebook either. Databox's Elise Dopson surveyed 29 advertisers to discover which kind of substance worked best for their Facebook Ads and video content was the unmistakable top choice. Almost 69% of the advertisers she reviewed said video performed best. "Not exclusively does the stage will in general organize this sort of media yet our gathering of people will in general react all the more as often as possible," Unincorporated's Ian Evenstar told Dopson.

Do a few kinds of video work superior to others on Facebook? Indeed says Elaine Bennett at Hot in Social Media. She composes that "Facebook Live has multiple times more noteworthy reach than every single other type of Facebook content" and gains multiple times a greater number of cooperations than pre-recorded video.

So whether you share video in an advertisement, a natural post or by live spilling, your image can profit by sharing video content on Facebook.

In this article, I will uncover the absolute best Facebook video showcasing tips shared by givers on the Zest Content Stream. Thus, prepare to upskill your video advertising ability with these 10 master tips.

Ten master tips for utilizing Facebook Video to showcase your image

1. Breaking point your recordings to somewhere in the range of 15 and 90 seconds long.

Following 90 seconds your commitment levels take a sharp drop says Joe Forte in "Beating the Algorithm: 11 Essential Facebook Video Secrets." Fifteen seconds ought to be your greatest for video promotions, Iconic Genuis' James Marques told Elise Dopson at Databox.

There are a few special cases to the 'keep it straightforward' rule, Newswhip's Katherine Ellis brings up that if Facebook clients discover video extremely worth watching- - like Lady Gaga's NFL halftime show which was almost 15 minutes in length - they couldn't care less to what extent it is.

2. Snare your watchers by coming to the heart of the matter.

Offering further counsel to Dopson for her article, "The Best Facebook Ad Content for Driving Awareness and Sales," Joe Sloan says, snare them quick. Your video promotion needs to catch the watcher's eye in the initial 5-seconds.

How might you draw in your watchers rapidly?

For longer recordings, Joe Forte prescribes opening with an outline that "tells your group of onlookers what they will realize by viewing your video." Keep your presentation clear and brief and make certain to leave your crowd needing more

This is What Marketers Can Take Away From Facebook's F8 2019 Announcements

A week ago, Facebook held its yearly engineer meeting—F8—in San Jose, California. At the occasion, we got a look into the eventual fate of Facebook and Instagram, wherein Facebook divulged a total overhaul, shiny new Instagram includes, and even gave us a look at the long haul objectives of each system.

However, in spite of being marked as a designer occasion, F8 is likewise a gigantic occasion for advertisers such as myself. It gives us a glance at how Facebook will develop, henceforth giving us an opportunity to design and get ready for future calculation changes that may influence how we advertise on the informal community.

So in this article, I'll go through three of Facebook's significant declarations and talk about how they'll influence us advertisers. Utilize this manual for assistance plan your 2019 and 2020 Facebook and Instagram guide—all things considered, it's smarter to design ahead of schedule than to be late to the diversion.

Before we begin, I need to make a snappy note that not all F8 declarations are secured here. Rather, we're taking a gander at declarations that legitimately influence us as advertisers—look at Social Media Today's inside and out declaration pieces for the whole declaration list.

Facebook F8 2019: New Updates for Instagram, Including 'Shop from Creators' and Updated Camera >>Read

Facebook F8 2019: Facebook Announces New Updates for Groups, Dating and an App Redesign >>Read

Facebook F8 2019: New Tools for Messenger and WhatsApp >>Read

How about we begin!

Facebook reported a totally new structure

As you've most likely heard, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reported a total upgrade of the Facebook work area and portable involvement with F8. This new plan appears to be unique, however gives us a look at how Facebook will work later on.

Tastefully, the refreshed work area experience submits configuration general direction to the present day Facebook portable application. We see greater catches, a top bar with snappy access to various Facebook capacities, and Facebook stories put over the News Feed.

Yet, the upgrade is something other than feel—Facebook overhauled itself around Groups.

In a declaration blog entry, Facebook noticed that the new plan "puts your networks at the inside." It does this by giving snappy access to bunches from an ever-present left-hand sidebar and adding a gatherings fast catch to the highest point of the application.

This snappy catch will take Facebook clients to a gatherings revelation screen where clients can see suggested gatherings, the gatherings their companions are in, just as a spot where they can deal with the gatherings they're now a piece of.

Further, the News Feed is essentially littler in the updated understanding. This joined with the new gatherings usefulness demonstrates to us that Facebook is moving far from News Feed and proceeding with its progress to an additional loved ones centered stage.

In conclusion, occasions are likewise becoming the overwhelming focus in the new Facebook structure. There will before long be a devoted occasions tab at the highest point of the work area experience—clicking into this tab will demonstrate to you the occasions your companions are going to just as open occasions occurring in your neighborhood.

Facebook's New Competition-Based Ad Metrics Are What We've Always Needed

It's constantly seemed well and good. The prospect of having the option to legitimately perceive how your promotion innovative is performing against your opposition appears as though it would be the most significant measurement given the structure of self-administration advertisement stages.

With promotion stages like Facebook, publicists are offering on impressions against contenders for the equivalent focused on gathering of people. The more profitable the gathering of people and the ideal activity are, the more a publicist can hope to pay to show their advertisement.

Enter your rival's better advertisement imaginative, site and item — and you're paying more while deteriorating results.

So if what promoters pay for their advertisements to be shown is straightforwardly attached to their opposition, for what reason would we say we are just observing interior based measurements like snaps and impressions?

We're just observing a large portion of the image, prompting pointless mystery with regards to advertisement crusades.

Facebook's not really important significance score

In 2015, Facebook propelled its advertisement importance score metric to give better understanding into promotion inventive and focusing on execution potential.

In view of positive promotion connections on early impressions, Facebook would give your advertisement a score somewhere in the range of one and 10. Get a 10 and you could be certain your advertisement is on target. Draw nearer to a one and you would be wise to reconsider everything.

While the measurement gave some understanding into promotion execution that wasn't already accessible, despite everything it didn't give enough detail, as conceded by Facebook not long ago.

This has prompted Facebook's April 30 substitution of the advertisement pertinence score with three new measurements: quality positioning, commitment rate positioning and transformation rate positioning.

Examination is the criminal of bliss — and the best measurement

Facebook's new trio of measurements are tied by one consistent theme: They're altogether scored dependent on how your advertisements contrast with your rivals' focusing of a similar gathering of people.

While the new quality positioning is as yet dependent on clients' certain and negative communications with the promotion, every advertisement's presentation is never again secluded. Improve commitment contrasted with your rivals and show signs of improvement score.

Inside Facebook's advertisement conveyance framework, it's dependably been about the sum you're offering and the nature of your inventive in contrast with your opposition. Being able to promptly observe at any rate a smidgen of that information reveals another dimension of straightforwardness.

Why everything matters

Most promoters aimlessly trust their advertisement conveyance to Facebook. They select some intended interest groups, transfer some imaginative, set a financial limit and let it run.

In any case, daze confidence essentially isn't sufficient. Insightful publicizing and shrewd advertisement spending implies genuinely understanding what makes a promotion effective — and we have the right to have the measurements important to settle on educated those choices.

Facebook's most recent metric rollout is a little advance into progressively straightforward information on how battles are being conveyed and positioned inside the closeout. This further comprehension of promotion quality in contrast with contenders will enable all sponsors to introduce better performing and all the more engaging inventive

New Study Shows How People Use Social Media to Grow and Promote Their Businesses

Web based life is a standout amongst the most prevalent promoting channels existing today. However, some business and association pioneers have addressed how viable it is in achieving their advertising destinations. Is it worth the budgetary and HR venture?

The recently discharged 2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report from Social Media Examiner gives us some understanding via web-based networking media utilization and conduct. The investigation reviewed in excess of 4,800 advertisers with the objective of seeing how they're utilizing internet based life to develop and advance their organizations.

Expanded presentation and traffic are the top online life advertising benefits for as long as five years. Expanded introduction developed to 93% from 87% in 2018 and expanded traffic improved to 87% from 78% a year ago showing that positive outcomes are conceivable even in a packed internet based life scene.

The following two significant increments:

Produced drives expanded to 74% from 64%.

Improved deals rose to 72% from 53%.

Despite the fact that Facebook and Instagram are the best two stages utilized by advertisers, it's significant that Instagram developed from 66% to 73% and Twitter tumbled from 62% to 59%.

Facebook is number one for both B2C and B2B advertisers, in any case, while isolating B2C and B2B reactions, the number two spot for B2C is Instagram at 78% while B2B's second spot is LinkedIn at 80%.

By and large, YouTube is as yet the main video channel advertisers like, with Facebook's local recordings coming in second. At the point when the investigation isolated B2C and B2B reactions, B2C advertisers utilize more Instagram stories and Facebook local video while B2B advertisers utilize more LinkedIn local video.

Of the stages advertisers consistently use for internet based life promotions, Facebook is path in front of different contenders. Nonetheless, while isolating B2C and B2B, the investigation demonstrates that B2C advertisers are bound to utilize Facebook and Instagram promotions while B2B advertisers are utilizing more LinkedIn promotions.

Similarly as with numerous investigations of this nature, I generally question the ROI (degree of profitability) for promoting exercises. Is internet based life promoting worth the monetary and HR speculation?

Despite the fact that we see a few ROI results in the principal graph, "Advantages of online networking showcasing," this next diagram exhibits how advertisers need to up their estimation exercises.

Because of the investigation's inquiry, "I am ready to quantify the arrival on speculation (ROI) for my natural internet based life exercises," just 44% concurred they had the option to gauge their natural social exercises. This is a test that has tormented advertisers for a considerable length of time.

Online networking advertising is a need in most showcasing blends today. However, the arrival on venture still escapes a significant number of us.

Friday, 19 April 2019

6 Tips to Jumpstart Post-Holiday Weight Loss Read more

While holiday celebrations are usually full of family, friends and fun — they may even be considered “healthy” due to their stress-relieving properties — they also have a tendency to make us veer off track from our normal eating and exercising habits.

If you enjoyed yourself a little too much during recent holidays, you might be feeling a little heavier than normal — and perhaps looking for a way to detoxify and shed those extra pounds you may have picked up. Here are six tips to help get you started:

1. Practice intermittent fasting
The purpose of intermittent fasting (or IF) is to force your body to use up all stored and available energy, so that it starts tapping into your body fat for fuel instead. Fasting also helps with detoxification, since it limits the amount of energy necessary for digestion and, instead, shifts this energy towards repairing and cleansing. Additionally, IF has many other metabolic benefits, including improving insulin sensitivity. And IF is not just helpful short-term for weight loss; research suggests it’s safe and healthy for most people to practice long-term.

Here’s a quick guide to getting started with IF: Plan to begin by fasting for about 13-18 hours per day. This might sound like a long time, but remember that part of your fasting occurs overnight, while you’re sleeping. If you eat dinner at 6PM, for example, try to refrain from eating until sometime between 7AM and noon the next day. While you fast, avoid eating all solid foods, including smoothies, though you can drink water, black coffee and tea.

Eating during a shortened window, as described above, is a common way to practice IF, though some people choose to take things up a notch and eat only one meal per day. For experienced fasters, doing longer fasts that last about 2-3 days is another option.

2. Have bone broth & other detox drinks
Bone broth is a traditional stock made from animal parts (skin, bones, connective tissue, etc.) that are steeped in liquid for about 1-2 days along with veggies and herbs. While this might not sound very appetizing, bone broth is chock full of beneficial minerals and compounds, including collagen, glucosamine, calcium and more.

Drinking bone broth daily (about 8-16 ounces per day) is a great way to help improve gut health and digestion. The amino acids found in collagen can aid in repairing the gut lining, facilitate nutrient absorption, and even help improve the health of your skin and joints. A bone broth fast, during which you consume only bone broth for 2-3 days or longer, is also beneficial for keeping your energy up, preventing muscle wasting, and supporting detoxification.

If you don’t have time to make bone broth from scratch, it can also be consumed in dried protein powder form, which provides many of the same benefits as homemade broth, but is much more convenient. In addition to helping your body reset after an indulgent holiday, these protein powders can be a great way to support exercise recovery and help you build lean muscle mass.

Aside from bone broth and collagen powder, other beneficial detox drinks include cold pressed green juices, 100% grapefruit juice, apple cider vinegar shots, or smoothies made with superfoods like leafy greens and berries. Just be careful to avoid bottled juices or smoothies that can be surprisingly very high in sugar and calories.

4. Give up dairy (at least temporarily)
Yes, dairy is a HUGE part of Shavuot and found in many recipes like blitzes and cheesecake. But dairy can also be difficult to digest and may contribute to weight gain since it’s easy to over-consume. Now that the celebration is over, consider giving your body a break from dairy by switching to a dairy-free diet that incorporates non-dairy alternatives — like olive oil instead of butter; almond or coconut milk instead of cow’s milk, avocado in place of sour cream, and nut-based cheeses.

5. Consider trying a kosher ketogenic diet
The keto diet is a very high-fat, low-carb eating plan that forces your body to burn stored body fat for energy. It works because it depletes glucose provided by carbohydrates, which is usually your body’s preferred energy source. In order to get into ketosis, the metabolic state that allows you to use fat for fuel, you have to consume about 75% or more of your daily calories from fat, and no more than 5-10% from carbs.

The keto diet revolves around foods like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, kosher meats, nuts, seeds, pastured eggs, fatty fish, plus plenty of non-starchy veggies. What makes the keto diet different from other low-carb diets? It isn’t high in protein, but rather focuses on high fat consumption. Eating plenty of fats plus moderate protein while on the keto diet is very satiating, helping to curb your appetite and decrease cravings. This also makes fasting easier, plus has additional benefits like helping to balance hormones and improving digestion — all important when you’re trying to kickstart weight loss.

6. Try high intensity interval training (HIIT)
High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a workout approach that requires minimal time, but maximum effort. You sprint your heart out, giving your full effort for short periods of time (about 1 minute or less), and then take a break before repeating. You only have to repeat this cycle for about 20 minutes to get a big payoff — including major calorie burn. By exercising at max intensity — aiming to get your heart rate up to about 85-90% of your max during sprints — you’re able to burn more fat and build muscle quickly, without spending loads of time exercising.

This story "6 Tips to Jumpstart Post-Holiday Weight Loss" was w

Read more:

Sunday, 20 January 2019

We finally get a release date in this new Game of Thrones season 8 trailer – but what else does it tell us

It took you long enough. There’s a new Game of Thrones season 8 trailer out courtesy of HBO and, while it has kept most of its cards close to its chest, there’s the small matter of a new release date as well as a few tantalising clues to keep us preoccupied until April 14. Some corners of the internet are even doubly sure that the new Game of Thrones trailer has predicted a big death or two.
The Game of Thrones trailer, which you can watch above, focuses on three of the four remaining members of the Stark clan in Sansa, Arya, and Jon Snow (surprisingly, Bran is absent) walking down the crypts of Winterfell. They are confronted by whispers of the past, Ned Stark being one of them, as well as statues of Catelyn and Jon’s mum, Lyanna. No Robb, though. Poor Robb.
At the very end of the passage, the three meet and come face-to-face with statues of themselves. Weirdly, Jon’s statue looks a lot older than anyone else’s but more on that in a moment. That’s because we can’t take our eye off the White Walker ball just yet, as a wind whips through the crypts and extinguishes Jon’s flame before ice crackles and closes in on the trio.
Welp. Where do we start? Some on Twitter think that Jon’s statue being older is a bad sign for Sansa and Arya…
…but some are not convinced. After all, Bran isn’t in the trailer and he’s probably not going to end up dead in the ground come the finale. There’s also the small fact of a feather dropping past Jon, signifying a possible big change in his life. Don’t remember it? It was one that was placed on the grave of Lyanna by Robert Baratheon way back in the pilot. It could mean nothing. It could mean everything. Ahh! Stop playing with our emotions, HBO!
The big info, though, (at least, the info we know about, for realsies) is that the Game of Thrones release date is now set for April 14. If this trailer is anything to go by, we’re in for one hell of an amazing send-off – and the remaining 90 days until the premiere will feel like 900.
Add another dozen headscratchers to the big pile of Game of Thrones theories that'll keep us going until April.

Country artist Maren Morris announces tour dates, release of empowering new single, 'Girl'

Maren Morris and her husband Ryan Hurd stop on the CMA Awards red carpet to talk to the Tennessean's Cindy Watts and Dave Paulson. Nashville Tennessean
Maren Morris started writing her new single “Girl” as a message to other women. After years of conversations about the lack of women on country radio and then the #MeToo movement, she wanted to be a forward-reaching voice. Quickly, Morris said, she realized she was writing the song to herself.
 “Girl” is the lead single from Morris’ highly anticipated second album that will be in stores in the coming months, reports The Tennessean, which is part of the USA TODAY Network.
The song will be premiered on country radio at 4 p.m. today – the same time it will be available on streaming platforms. In addition, Morris revealed plans for GIRL: THE WORLD TOUR. 

Maren Morris released 'Girl,' the first song from her second album, on Jan. 17 2019. (Photo: photo by Jamie Nelson)
“I was trying to encourage myself to stop seeping into the misery that is right now and look to the future and stop questioning why things aren’t working out the same way they are for the boys,” she said of the new track. “I am obviously well aware of the lack of representation women have at country radio, but being one of those women at country radio, I want to say something that is looking to the future and not waiting in the present.”
Morris wrote “Girl” with Sarah Aarons and the song’s co-producer Greg Kurstin. Lyrics include:
Girl won’t you stop your crying / I know that you’re trying / Everything’s gonna be okay, baby /Girl don’t you hang your head low / Don’t you lose your halo / Everyone’s gonna be okay, baby
“As we were writing, ‘Girl’ had all of the qualities that I was needing to hear myself,” Morris said. “And if I need to hear it, I figured a lot of girls and boys need to hear this, too. I think that’s what made it so powerful.”
Morris said she thinks “Girl” is “the song for the future,” but when she heard the first recording of it, she struggled to believe they wrote it. In the midst of writing the song, she said, she lost perspective because she was too close to it. But, when she heard “Girl” with fresh ears, she said it “knocked me backwards.”
“I think a lot of people … are over talking about the same things and hammering away and away at them,” she said. “You just want to find a solution, to figure out how to move forward, and I think that’s what ‘Girl’ is to me. It is saying, ‘It’s going to be OK.’”
The New Artist of the Year nominee joins us live from the red carpet Time

Maggie Rogers: 'Heard It In A Past Life' Album Stream & Download - Listen Now!

Maggie Rogers has finally released her debut album!
The 24-year-old singer and songwriter just dropped Heard It In A Past Life, which includes her hit single “Light On.”
Maggie rose to fame after her debut single “Alaska” was played for Pharrell Williams during a master class at NYU.
“im weepy and overwhelmed and processing and celebrating and don’t totally have all the words yet to express the sheer amount of pure joy i feel running through my body and out into the world today,” Maggie wrote on her Instagram.
She continued, “i am BEAMING and exploding with so much light and love. thank you for holding me these past 2.5 years and letting me do this thing i love so much. this record belongs to you now. 💙”
The entire album is available to be streamed below or downloaded on all music platforms.
Listen to Heard It In A Past Life now…
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WooperForInstagram: A handy Instagram downloader to save images/videos and set wallpapers

Image result for WooperForInstagram:
These days the usage of social media is at an all-time high and apps like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and especially Instagram are thriving. Instagram has become the new go-to app for most young smartphone users because it lets them share photos, put up stories, and explore what is trending around the world. It also comes with a high-security factor and easy-to-use interface which makes it a must-have app in everyone’s smartphone.
With more than 500 million daily users and over 1 billion monthly users, Instagram is quickly becoming the king of social media as it can be used for casually exploring the trending events, communicating with close ones, connecting with new friends, and even marketing and other forms of promotion. The sole aim of Instagram is for the users to be able to post photos, videos, and repost them for more interaction.
Wooper for Instagram: One of the top Instagram downloaders
Instagram being a platform where people share photos and videos, just viewing a photo or video might not be enough for you and you might want to save it. Apps like Wooper for Instagram come in handy at such situations. It is an amazing Instagram downloader that allows you to save photos and videos and report them later. It is also an excellent Instagramdp viewer as you can view the dp of the profile you admire and save them.
Some of its features are:
  • An exceptional Instagram photo download app that allows you to save photos in the gallery
  • With its Instagram video download feature, you can Instagram save the videos and post them later
  • It allows you to make a wallpaper playlists and also to Instagram repost your favorite photos and videos
  • With a single tap, you can set an Instagram photo, video, or DP as wallpaper
  • With a single tap, you can repost or share a photo or video from the Wooper gallery
  • By double tapping on the Home Screen, you can change the wallpaper
  • source:
    How to use Wooper for Instagram
  • Go to the Wooper for Instagram app and turn it on
  • When you come across any photo or video that you wish to download, just tap the “Copy Link” option
  • That photo or video will be automatically downloaded and saved in the Wooper Gallery
  • How to download Wooper for Instagram?
  • Go to the Google Play Store and search for the app or click here to reach the app directly
  • If you are an iOS user, there is a website version available for you that you can get by clicking here
  • Now, download and install the app to enjoy your Instagram experience
  • How To Download Instagram Videos In2015

    Videos in Instagram are meant to be viewed and shared, but sometimes all you want to do is download them to your mobile phone or computer and save it for later. Natively, there’s no way to do this, but thankfully there are plenty of apps that let you save Instagram videos to your Android, iPhone or Windows computer. is one of the best free Instagram video downloader tool you can use. The web-based feature makes it easy and convenient, where downloading your favorite Instagram vides is just a one-click affair. Moreover, the site lets you save videos that may soon be deleted by the person who posted it. Once the video is saved you can watch it offline anytime and without an internet connection.
    Instagram Video Download Process
    Browse through and find the video you want to download from Instagram
    Step 1. Find The Post
    Visit the social media site by heading to or open your Instagram mobile app. From there, search the photo or video you want to save.
    Step 2. Copy The Link
    Use the cut or copy function in your phone or computer on the video URL. Here’s how:
    If you’re on a computer:
    Find and copy the URL link by highlighting it, then simultaneously holding and pressing CTRL + C.
    If you’re on your smartphone:
    Find the “…” icon on the Instagram video, then choose Share URL or Copy Link to get the URL on the clipboard.
    Step 3. Paste The URL
    After copying, paste by either simultaneously pressing CTRL + V or holding your finger over the field box in your smart phone and clicking “Download” in the Instagram downloader. Alternately, you can right click the video and choose “Save Video As..” then set the file destination.
    Wait for the Instagram video to be downloaded completely on your computer or mobile phone. Afterwards, you can view the saved videos by going to your download folder and opening the video with a compatible video player app or software.

    How To Download Instagram Videos In 2019

    Videos in Instagram are meant to be viewed and shared, but sometimes all you want to do is download them to your mobile phone or computer and save it for later. Natively, there’s no way to do this, but thankfully there are plenty of apps that let you save Instagram videos to your Android, iPhone or Windows computer. is one of the best free Instagram video downloader tool you can use. The web-based feature makes it easy and convenient, where downloading your favorite Instagram vides is just a one-click affair. Moreover, the site lets you save videos that may soon be deleted by the person who posted it. Once the video is saved you can watch it offline anytime and without an internet connection.
    Instagram Video Download Process
    Browse through and find the video you want to download from Instagram
    Step 1. Find The Post
    Visit the social media site by heading to or open your Instagram mobile app. From there, search the photo or video you want to save.
    Step 2. Copy The Link
    Use the cut or copy function in your phone or computer on the video URL. Here’s how:
    If you’re on a computer:
    Find and copy the URL link by highlighting it, then simultaneously holding and pressing CTRL + C.
    If you’re on your smartphone:
    Find the “…” icon on the Instagram video, then choose Share URL or Copy Link to get the URL on the clipboard.
    Step 3. Paste The URL
    After copying, paste by either simultaneously pressing CTRL + V or holding your finger over the field box in your smart phone and clicking “Download” in the Instagram downloader. Alternately, you can right click the video and choose “Save Video As..” then set the file destination.
    Wait for the Instagram video to be downloaded completely on your computer or mobile phone. Afterwards, you can view the saved videos by going to your download folder and opening the video with a compatible video player app or software.
    Videos in Instagram are meant to be viewed and shared, but sometimes all you want to do is download them to your mobile phone or computer and save it for later. Natively, there’s no way to do this, but thankfully there are plenty of apps that let you save Instagram videos to your Android, iPhone or Windows computer. is one of the best free Instagram video downloader tool you can use. The web-based feature makes it easy and convenient, where downloading your favorite Instagram vides is just a one-click affair. Moreover, the site lets you save videos that may soon be deleted by the person who posted it. Once the video is saved you can watch it offline anytime and without an internet connection.
    Instagram Video Download Process
    Browse through and find the video you want to download from Instagram
    Step 1. Find The Post
    Visit the social media site by heading to or open your Instagram mobile app. From there, search the photo or video you want to save.
    Step 2. Copy The Link
    Use the cut or copy function in your phone or computer on the video URL. Here’s how:
    If you’re on a computer:
    Find and copy the URL link by highlighting it, then simultaneously holding and pressing CTRL + C.
    If you’re on your smartphone:
    Find the “…” icon on the Instagram video, then choose Share URL or Copy Link to get the URL on the clipboard.
    Step 3. Paste The URL
    After copying, paste by either simultaneously pressing CTRL + V or holding your finger over the field box in your smart phone and clicking “Download” in the Instagram downloader. Alternately, you can right click the video and choose “Save Video As..” then set the file destination.
    Wait for the Instagram video to be downloaded completely on your computer or mobile phone. Afterwards, you can view the saved videos by going to your download folder and opening the video with a compatible video player app or software.

    WooperForInstagram: A handy Instagram downloader to save images/videos and set wallpapers

    These days the usage of social media is at an all-time high and apps like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and especially Instagram are thriving. Instagram has become the new go-to app for most young smartphone users because it lets them share photos, put up stories, and explore what is trending around the world. It also comes with a high-security factor and easy-to-use interface which makes it a must-have app in everyone’s smartphone.
    With more than 500 million daily users and over 1 billion monthly users, Instagram is quickly becoming the king of social media as it can be used for casually exploring the trending events, communicating with close ones, connecting with new friends, and even marketing and other forms of promotion. The sole aim of Instagram is for the users to be able to post photos, videos, and repost them for more interaction.

    Wooper for Instagram: One of the top Instagram downloaders
    Instagram being a platform where people share photos and videos, just viewing a photo or video might not be enough for you and you might want to save it. Apps like Wooper for Instagram come in handy at such situations. It is an amazing Instagram downloader that allows you to save photos and videos and report them later. It is also an excellent Instagramdp viewer as you can view the dp of the profile you admire and save them.
    Some of its features are:
  • An exceptional Instagram photo download app that allows you to save photos in the gallery
  • With its Instagram video download feature, you can Instagram save the videos and post them later
  • It allows you to make a wallpaper playlists and also to Instagram repost your favorite photos and videos
  • With a single tap, you can set an Instagram photo, video, or DP as wallpaper
  • With a single tap, you can repost or share a photo or video from the Wooper gallery
  • By double tapping on the Home Screen, you can change the wallpaper

  • source:
    How to use Wooper for Instagram
  • Go to the Wooper for Instagram app and turn it on
  • When you come across any photo or video that you wish to download, just tap the “Copy Link” option
  • That photo or video will be automatically downloaded and saved in the Wooper Gallery
  • How to download Wooper for Instagram?
  • Go to the Google Play Store and search for the app or click here to reach the app directly
  • If you are an iOS user, there is a website version available for you that you can get by clicking here
  • Now, download and install the app to enjoy your Instagram experience
  • 4K Stogram is a standalone program for Windows

    Image result for 4K Stogram is a standalone program for Windows
    It may well be that you don't download Instagram images often enough to warrant installing a dedicated piece of software – so you may be interested in using a website to take care of your downloads instead. And this is exactly what DownloadGram is.
    This is a website designed with the sole purpose of downloading Instagram images in mind. All you need to do is copy the address of an image or video, and you'll be given the chance to save it to your hard drive.
    To save you from having to keep visiting the site, you have the option of installing a bookmarklet to your browser toolbar which will enable you to download images and videos with a quick click of a toolbar button. It's simple and no-frills, but that's often all you need!
    , Linux and macOS that makes it easy to download anything you want from Instagram, or – as the developer points out – to back up your own account.
    The tool works by enabling you to 'subscribe' to an account, hashtag or location (these are essentially constantly updated searches. You can then browse and download images and videos, but you are limited to subscribing to two searches in the free version of the program.
    If you're willing to pay for an activation code for 4K Stogram – $9.99/£9.54 (about AU$18) for a three-computer license – you'll gain access to a handful of extra capabilities. Paying for a license will enable you to not only subscribe to an unlimited number of users, but also to download Stories. But even if you stick with the free version of the tool, it's a pretty capable piece of software.
    Another website that enables you to download from Instagram, using the descriptively-named Free Instagram Downloader means there's no need to install any software to grab photos and videos from the social network.
    Unfortunately there's no browser bookmarklet available, so you'll have to visit the site every time you want to download something, but this is small price to pay. The process of downloading is very simple – just enter the name of the user you are interested in, and you'll be presented with all of the images that have been uploaded. You can then opt to download individual images, select several pictures, or download everything as a zip file. It's a simple tool, but it does what you need, so there may be no need to look any further.